案例研究 & 奖状

“NAI Ohio Equities的工业地产团队在整个销售/回租过程中都是出色的顾问. 这一交易的独特之处在于,它涉及多个市场,并在全球大流行期间完成. Despite these challenges, the team was able to help get this deal to the finish line."

“来自NAI Ohio Equities的工业地产团队在帮助我们分析销售/回租的潜力方面发挥了重要作用. 从我们第一次试探性会议开始, 通过财务分析, 营销和销售谈判, 他们一直在我身边. It was nice to know this transaction was being handled by such true professionals."

"Matt and the team went above and beyond to get everyone on board with the decision to move. 在整个过程中,他们让我们感到舒适和放松,在这漫长的旅程中,他们非常耐心和乐于助人."

“和乔和马克一起工作很愉快. 他们不仅以高价出售了我们的大楼, 但他们也能够为我们找到我们需要的新空间和专业知识,在我们的时间框架内完成交易."

"Dave Wakeman and his team have led a successful cost containment initiative bringing value to our organization. NAI Ohio Equities的团队致力于提供卓越的服务,并致力于为所有官方直营bbin领域提供高质量的回报."


“我对NAI Ohio Equities的办公室经纪团队和业务主管Matt Gregory印象深刻. The team's passion and strategic expertise and commitment to client service was best-in-class. 无论是在我们提出问题之前就预测到问题,还是根据他们丰富的经验提供持续的解决方案和建议, 或者执行财务和风险分析来支持我们的决策,或者做一些简单的事情,比如为营销目的收集文件, 这个团队超出了我们的预期, 还有一些令人耳目一新的东西是关于全天候可用性和团队通过利用团队其他成员的专业知识的单一联系点提供的即时响应. 马特采取了一个复杂而令人费解的过程,并以一种易于理解的方式向我们的团队和董事会传达了旅程中的每个里程碑. 我会毫不保留地向任何人推荐Sandy Simpson和Matt Gregory,因为他们致力于建立长期的诚信关系,而不仅仅是完成一笔交易."

“约翰·马利帮我们找到了一个完美的商业场所, 考虑到我们所有的需求,并坚持不懈. He is his word and has been the most thoughtful and committed realtor I’ve ever worked with."

“约翰·马利花时间倾听我们的需求,了解我们的发展战略和计划,并迅速采取相应的行动. He acted promptly, enabling us to find a great space at the “right” price, and I applaud his efforts."

“我们将在未来使用NAI Ohio Equities的服务,因为我们对这次的服务非常满意,并希望继续保持这种关系,也会向其他人推荐你们的服务. 非常感谢!"

"We are a small family-owned company and were given a tight timeline to relocate our Columbus location. Occupancy rates were fairly high at the time, so the search was limited from the start. Joe Menninger of NAI Ohio Equities asked a lot of questions about our business to learn what our needs were, 无论是现在还是将来, so we were able to see several properties meeting our criteria in a short period of time. 当我们把搜索范围从租赁扩展到可能的购买时, 乔的经验真的很有价值, 因为我们以前从未走过这条路. He was always available by phone or email to answer questions and guide us through the process, and he provided great referrals for both the financing and our plumbing upgrades once the purchase was complete.

我们新房子的面积比我们需要的还要大, 所以我们也能把一部分租出去. 乔也在这个过程中提供了帮助, and he continues to be a good sounding board as we grow into this building. If & 当你要找新房子的时候, 我会毫不犹豫地再次联系乔,利用他的知识, 经验, 和职业精神."

"Ryan McGreevy very professionally handled the sale of this property and I was very satisfi ed with his work. 我期待着我们将来的合作."

"Each and every prospective deal is always handled in a professional and compelling manner. 此外, 每个RFP提供的对细节的关注和分析极大地帮助了合作伙伴做出决策."

"The NAI Ohio Equities 工业 Team has done an excellent job for us. After purchasing Southeast 工业 Park our goal has been to sell the buildings individually. Their team has clearly communicated our objectives to the brokerage community and end users. Through an aggressive marketing effort they have been able to sell 13 of the 18 buildings in the park. 我们赞赏他们对业务的坚定和诚实态度."

“在过去的几年里,我们的业务增长迅速,为了满足机构的需求,我们不得不在三个不同的地方租用空间. 我很高兴Peter和Matt为我们找到了一处满足Alvis House所有需求的房产. 他们所付出的时间和精力是无价的."

“和乔·门宁格和菲利普·伯德一起工作很愉快. They completely understood our parameters and the necessity to sell our real estate, while continuing to maintain our operations in the space during and after the sale."

“与马特·格雷戈里和安迪·达彻合作非常棒. 他们都精力充沛,知识渊博, 快速响应我们的各种需求和问题. Both are personable, understood our needs, and supported our effort to start a social enterprise. 我强烈推荐他们两个."

“当约翰·马利波音bbin时,玛丽黑文已经在克劳福德县寻找合适的办公场所一年多了. 我们发现这是一个非常困难的市场,因为很难找到适合我们提供行为保健的空间,帮助那些生活被成瘾或精神疾病打断的男人和女人恢复生活.

就像我们州的其他人一样, Crawford County has a serious problem with the abuse of opiates; through John's good help, we will be able to provide services to these men and women who want to change their lives, 从而有助于改善该社区的健康和安全."

"The 580 South High Company hired Andy and Matt to list and promote our 60,000 square foot office building in the central business district of Columbus about 18 months ago. 该建筑的所有者认为,我们有机会看到市场上几乎所有符合条件的潜在客户,这些客户与我们的可用性相匹配. Prior to hiring Andy and Matt, our building had minimal leasing activity. 凭借他们的专业知识, 我们重新设计了该物业的品牌, new marketing materials and the ability to attract quality brokers representing good credit tenants. 因为他们和我们合作了, we have signed a handful of new leases 并有 prospects lined up to lease our remaining vacancies.

I strongly recommend Andy and Matt to any 土地lord who seeks to reposition their building in the market, 创造租赁势头并签约新租户."

“在我为我们加拿大公司寻找合适的仓库/办公空间的过程中,我们想在哥伦布市中心设立一个办公室, John went out of his way to be available and had an extremely pro-active approach.

作为一家有着多重需求的小公司,我们很难以合适的价格找到合适的空间,约翰花了很多时间找到了一个完美的建筑,有13个可用的空间,600sf, 七个码头, 还有协商好的费率. 他提出了所有正确的问题,以确保我们的空间是面向未来的,并可扩展我们快速扩张的美国业务.

他还非常支持与当地资源建立联系,这些资源涉及我们业务的多个方面——包括美国/加拿大商业协会和哥伦布2020年. Both organizations have proven to be valuable assets in my growing network. These contacts have helped to establish our foundation in the US and facilitate growth of our US operations."

“在2016年初, our law firm began touring the Columbus/Worthington office market on our own. 我们认识安迪的时候他是诺斯伍德二号的租赁代理, and despite some negative comments we heard from other tenants in the building at that time, 安迪让我们感觉很舒服,也很有信心,考虑到富国银行的租赁计划,这笔交易是可以达成的. 不幸的是, 富国银行决定拍卖这处房产, 我们不得不寻找其他的机会. 在这一点上, 我们和安迪讨论了几次, 我们公司聘请Andy作为我们的租户代表,因为他在整个Northwoods II项目的过程中对我们都很诚实,而且他在了解哥伦布写字楼市场以及如何让租户做出明智的决定方面证明了他是一位专家. 最终, 安迪帮助我们成功地就我们目前的办公楼进行了长期续约谈判,以满足我们未来十年的需求. Our firm would highly recommend his services to any tenant or landlord."

"We gave Matt Gregory the most unreasonable requests - I called it a unicorn, because I knew we would have to sacrifice one of our necessities to get our business opened ASAP. Matt really came through, everything we needed in a space he found, in numerous locations! I cannot imagine anyone could have made the process easier for us, he has a great sense of humor & guided us through the whole process in a way that didn't disrupt the business we were already tending to, 这很神奇. We would recommend Matt to anyone who ever needs to find the business space of their dreams. 我不知道怎么感谢他,也不知道怎么赞美他!"

"Our Company needed help finding office space that not only fit our needs, 但为未来的增长提供了机会. We hired Andy to assist us in finding space that filled all of our requirements. He was responsive and found space in a the short time frame that we imposed. 我将, 并有, 向别人推荐安迪, 将来会毫不犹豫地使用他的服务."

"Finding a commercial space for the birth and growth of our company seemed like daunting task. Being a small start-up company with a limited budget had deterred people from helping us in the past. 帕特里克·拉里默是个例外. 他认出了 & respected our small business needs of a multi flex unit at a reasonable price. 一旦我们决定了满足我们业务需求的房产, Patrick使整个过程无缝衔接,并处理了所有必要的文书工作,以加快Urbn Timber进入新空间. 我们强烈推荐Patrick满足您的商业地产需求,并将在未来随着我们业务的扩展而使用他."

“安东尼和我很荣幸能与这些了不起的人一起工作, 我们感谢所有帮助完成这项工作的人. We look forward to building a long lasting relationship and the launch of Jump City Childcare."